Sanitize your mason jar by pouring hot water into it and leaving it for 1-2 minutes, then drain and let it cool. We used 25 oz mason jars with a 2.75β lid, or you can use a small piece of cheesecloth.
Soak the radish sprouting seeds in the jar submerged in filtered water, and close the mesh lid for about 5 hours.
This is day 1. Drain the water through the mesh lid, submerge it with fresh filtered water, swirl, then drain it (tap the jar upside down to get as much water out as possible). Then roll the jar around to separate the seeds while sticking to the sides of the jar. Leave the jar upside down in a bowl at an angle (this allows any remaining water to drip out).
This is day 2. Continue this process twice daily; every day, your sprouts will grow a bit more by day 4 they have filled your entire jar.
This is day 3. Transfer to a container lined with a towel and store in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.
This is day 4.
Transfer to a container lined with a towel and store in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. Tips: Leave it on your countertop while sprouting out of direct sunlight. Sprouting can take 5-7 days, depending on your kitchen temperature. Preferably use filtered water to eliminate potential contaminants. The white fuzz is not mold; look closer, they are tiny root hairs, and they will go away. Sprouting is safe when done correctly. We repurposed a 25oz pasta sauce jar and bought the seed sprouting jar lid (mesh lid).